Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Winter Festival on Our Albia - Post-script

Hello everyone! This is Pixis. I hope you guys liked this year's CCSF story! I just kind of went with what I could think of and had fun with it, I hope it was fun for you guys too. I wanted to share a couple of fun facts about things that happened while I was working on it.

Over the course of the series, there were:

  • 7 metarooms involved in pictures
  • 17 creatures alive during the main part of the series
  • 25 baby creatures born
  • 2 creatures actively involved in the story died and had to be replaced (lol)
  • Although I spent about an hour-ish on writing each post (I know they're short, but I'm picky, haha), only 2 hours and 34 minutes total passed in the game's world
In addition, I also encountered a strange occurrence in which some of the C3 Yule Crackers spawned Ettin eggs when opened! Yes, really. I don't know why or how this happened. Here are the babies:

I hope everyone has a great holiday season, and enjoy the rest of the CCSF! <3

- Pixis

|| Previous ||

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Winter Festival on Our Albia - Day 14 (END)

With the double-dose of snow now blasting over the garden, everyone gathered back up to see that the Dragonfly Demon Ettins were in the middle, with huge grins on their faces. "While you guys were out chasing for frogs, we put together a little game!"

Monday, December 7, 2020

The Winter Festival on Our Albia - Day 13

Soon enough, all of the frogs were safely back in the pond, and it was all thanks to the quick action from the Sabertooth Norns. I didn't realize just how helpful they'd been! Now we could all go back to celebrating the Winter Festival, instead of spending the day chasing frogs around.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Winter Festival on Our Albia - Day 12

"Come on, everyone! Get as many of the frogs as you can - let's get them all back to the pond!"

"And... and be gentle with them, too!" Anni called after me, her arms full of frogs as she rushed past me to get them to safety. What a disaster...

Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Winter Festival on Our Albia - Day 11

After all of the gift-sharing festivities, everyone carried on happily with their afternoon. Some of us decided to spend the time running around and playing in the snow, while others stayed closer to the kitchen to chat and share stories over cups of coffee and Quirky Cookies.

Friday, December 4, 2020

The Winter Festival on Our Albia - Day 10

Once everyone had had their fun, I was finally able to get the group all gathered up back together in the yard outside of our kitchen. It was time to see what kinds of things everyone brought to share together! These were things creatures had found, or made, or just really liked... each year, we all get to share a unique piece of ourselves!

Thursday, December 3, 2020

The Winter Festival on Our Albia - Day 9

Well, I tried to get everyone to settle in, but it seemed like most of the group was distracted with playing outside. So, we decided to enjoy some of the party stuff for now! Like I mentioned before, we had a lot of different stuff set up for everyone to goof around with. Check out the way my planning board looks now! Guess somebody decided to have some fun with it...

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The Winter Festival on Our Albia - Day 8

I'm back to write that everyone is arriving now! Of course, as I expected, the first to arrive were the Treehugger Norns. Polite and kind as always, they settled down by the fireplace where it was nice and warm. And, as I also expected, they brought along a couple of different kinds of little critters from their forest to visit us!

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Winter Festival on Our Albia - Day 7

Today's the day!

Today's the day today's the day today's the day! The Winter Festival is starting! I'm sure I'll be busy all day helping everyone arrive, but I'll make sure to keep coming back and updating these notes, just because... y'know, it'll be really neat to read someday, right?

Monday, November 30, 2020

The Winter Festival on Our Albia - Day 6

And in another place far out in space. where scalier creatures roam...

The Grendels have never been much for partying, and their current leader, Frederick, had a lot to think about as he wondered what they might bring to the Festival this year. 

Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Winter Festival on Our Albia - Day 5

Elsewhere, in another ship out in the far reaches of space...

From their lush tropical environment, the universe's resident party animals, too, are planning what they might want to do for the Winter Festival this year. Though their ship is always filled with excitable chatter, today appears to be a particularly exciting day!

Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Winter Festival on Our Albia - Day 4

 Meanwhile, floating out in space aboard the Capillata...

It was in the early hours of the afternoon, and two Norns in the Norn Meso are having a debate. Today, they've realized that perhaps waiting until the last minute to start preparations for this year's Winter Festival was not the best idea.

Friday, November 27, 2020

The Winter Festival on Our Albia - Day 3


Now that we've thought about everybody who's coming, it's time to gather some resources!

Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Winter Festival on Our Albia - Day 2

How does one even get started planning a festival like this? For starters, I guess we should consider the different kinds of attendees we’ll have and what they might like to see…

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Winter Festival on Our Albia - Day 1

Home is a pretty cozy place to be, wouldn't you say? It has everything a Norn needs, after all - coffee, a fresh wedge of cheese, a warm furnace, a machine that generates cookies using anything you put in the top... what, you don't have a Quirky Cookie Machine at home?

Thursday, October 1, 2020

To Tiana

I'd like to dedicate this post to my very first Norn, who came to life around fifteen years ago (as of 2020, at least).

When I was about eight or nine, I received an Amazon gift card for my birthday from my aunt. I was in the second grade, and having not spent much time online (especially not by myself), I had no idea where to start. But I'd always liked animals, and video games, so after my parents helped me search for "virtual pet" games - all the rage at the time, you see! - we came across a game called Creatures 3.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Housekeeping, or what on Albia is actually happening here

How many times can I make a comeback post before it starts to sound like my comebacks are having comebacks? Ha.

Well, in any case, here I am once again. It feels like this entire year's passing me by without my permission, and knowing current events it's not hard to see why! For anyone who might happen to be reading this post far in the future from now - yes, we are still in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Life updates (again) plus some blog housekeeping/announcements under the cut. For those not interested in the life stuff, the blog housekeeping is in a series of bullet points at the bottom of the post.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Crestfall || Business as Usual

As we visit Crestfall for the first time in a while, another new Norn has warped in!
This elderly Norn, Fumio, seems like she's had a rough time... perhaps the gap in time and space was a bit too much for her. After all, we don't know how Norns feel when they're going through the Warp, now, do we?

(In the real world, there are still moving boxes in my apartment, but at least it's finally starting to feel like home.)