Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Winter Festival on Our Albia - Day 2

How does one even get started planning a festival like this? For starters, I guess we should consider the different kinds of attendees we’ll have and what they might like to see…

I think the first group to show up will probably be the Treehugger Norns. Gentle, polite, and perfectly punctual, they usually bring wonderful gifts to share at celebrations, like new kinds of plants or super-tasty natural-made food. Sometimes, but not always, they’ll bring critters along with them… I guess maybe we should consider making sure there’s somewhere safe for them to stay?

The main reason the critters would need a safe place is, of course, the Sabertooth Norns. It’s not that they ever mean harm, of course, but the Sabertooth Norns live on a dangerous, primal planet and, as such, have stronger survivalist instincts than the rest of us. I wouldn’t put it past the hunter in them to see a cute little critter as a snack…

Of course, I can't forget the Dragonfly Demon Ettins. They love to play games and socialize with everyone, and it seems like they're always in really good spirits. Even though they look like they might be intimidating, they're always smiling. They're real party animals!

Another group to consider is the Norns that still live on the Capillata and the Ark, like the Zebra Norns, Siamese Norns, or Harlequin Norns. They’re a friendly, sweet bunch, but because the Norn population on the Ark is so big, they usually choose just two of them to go as representatives for the group.

We can expect to see the Kunterbunt Norns stop by, too! They're known for their almost blindingly colorful fur, and they always manage to bring some fun toys…

And then there’s the Dodgy Norns. If you can believe it, I don’t think they’ve got a permanent home, but their attendance record for these kinds of events is perfect! What a curious and exciting life it must be, hopping from Warp portal to Warp portal to travel across the stars… if you ever want an adventurous, exciting story, just ask a Dodgy Norn what they were doing yesterday! While some creatures see them as a little too carefree, it seems like they’re also pretty clever, since they always manage to avoid danger even if they Warp into a dangerous place.

Last but definitely not least, we know we can expect to see our friends from the Banshee Ark! Now, I know what you're thinking - aren't Grendels the natural enemy of Norns? - but actually, that conflict ended long ago. We live in a modern society, y'know! Though things can be a little awkward between us, we found common ground when the Draconian Norns were looking for a place to live. It turns out, they felt right at home in the kinds of dark, misty places Grendels like to be. Now, we get to see our more scaly friends each year at the Winter Festival.

We'll have to make our plans keeping all of these different groups in mind... hmm, what to do, what to do...


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