Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Winter Festival on Our Albia - Day 4

 Meanwhile, floating out in space aboard the Capillata...

It was in the early hours of the afternoon, and two Norns in the Norn Meso are having a debate. Today, they've realized that perhaps waiting until the last minute to start preparations for this year's Winter Festival was not the best idea.

"What exactly should we be bringing, anyway...?"

The Norn Meso was, as always, bustling with a variety of different kinds of Norns going about their day. Though the Shee were gone long ago, these Norns enjoy the comfort of the safe, self-sufficient home that was left behind for them. Adelgonde, a faithfully diligant ChiChi Norn, rubbed her chin in thought as her friend Asahitarou, a Siamese Norn, watched without a hint of care or concern.

"Lemons, carrots, justanuts! Easy." Asahitarou put his hands on his hips and nodded, apparently quite sure of himself, as if this was the only correct answer.

A Fallow Norn, Azat, leaned down from his perch above the two, laughing. "No way, we can't do that. That's what we brought last year."

Asahitarou pouted. "You're saying we can't bring the same thing twice? Lame."

"It would be kind of rude, wouldn't it? We should be making an effort to show everyone something unique from the Capillata," Adelgonde sighed. "Maybe we could bring some Peaking Pie samples and hope it works out..."

Shyly, from behind the column near Muco the Egg Layer, a young Zebra Norn poked her head out. Her voice was soft as she spoke, but she seemed proud of the idea she'd had. "Um, what if we brought some Bramboo berries?"

"Oh!" Adelgonde clapped her hands together excitedly. "That's a great idea, Ariane! Since they come in all sorts of colors, we could make an arrangement with them! And if we included some other berries, like the ones from the Awkwood Creeper..."

Asahitarou rolled his eyes fondly and started wandering off - it looked like Adelgonde had found the inspiration she needed to make the perfect arrangement for the Winter Festival. The two of them would be the pair representing the Capillata, so Adelgonde had taken it upon herself to decide what to bring. Asahitarou, on the other hand, had decided he was going to be the one to do most of the socializing, since Adelgonde would be too busy fretting over other matters.

"I wonder if those guys on Our Albia have ever seen the Commedia before..."

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