SERU Foster Ship - A series of logs from Felix, the Head Caretaker of SERU Foster Ship C18, about rescue Creatures in need of homes. (The SERU Foster Ship was a DS world using the Other Lone Shee Ark, each post featuring two Norns generated by SERU by Amaikokonut. The series took place during CCSF 2018.) [Nov. 2018-Dec. 2018]
The Winter Festival on Our Albia - A fun, friendly tale of an intergalactic gathering of creatures from all walks of life for their annual Winter Festival. (The story took place in a DS world, mainly in C12DS, but also briefly featured other metarooms such as Terra Pluvialis, and the Banshee Ark. The series took place during CCSF 2020.) [Nov. 2020-Dec. 2020]
Another Time - A "journal" of sorts of my experience playing Creatures 1 for the first time, completely vanilla (no fan-made COBs or addons). (This series took place during CCSF 2021.) [Dec. 2021]
The following series are no longer being updated.
New Albia - In what was left of a world that was destroyed by a volcanic eruption, new life begins once again. (New Albia was a C2 world, which I was attempting to play through casually with regular commentary. Unfortunately, technical issues resulted in a loss of the run quite early, and further attempts resulted in the same problems.) [Sep. 2018-Sep. 2018]
The Waterworks - Two warring clans struggle for survival in the desolate remains of a world that once belonged to them. (The Waterworks was a C2toDS world in which there were two designated clans, and when Norns from the different clans met, they would fight. This world was concluded due to a loss of data.) [Dec. 2017-Jan. 2018]
Applewood Fields - A tale of life, death, and the will of Mother Nature in an odd spaceship world that seems to have suddenly come to be. (Applewood Fields was a C3/DS docked world running the Hera Scenario Script. This world was concluded due to a loss of data.) [Nov. 2017-Mar. 2018]
Crestfall - A story about a large group of Norns trying to achieve civilization in a vast world. (Crestfall was my "casual" C3/DS docked world, where I left the game unattended for long periods of time.) [Mar. 2019-Dec. 2021]
And then...?