Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Winter Festival on Our Albia - Day 11

After all of the gift-sharing festivities, everyone carried on happily with their afternoon. Some of us decided to spend the time running around and playing in the snow, while others stayed closer to the kitchen to chat and share stories over cups of coffee and Quirky Cookies.

Soon enough, half of the group had started engaging in a pretty intense game of tag, chasing each other all over the garden and even starting to make it as far as the area in the back where we keep the player piano!

Excitedly, Papaya came running back to Adrien and I and asked why the piano looked like that and if we could play it. Adrien was happy to show him how it worked - when you turn the crank, music comes out! - and the sound of the piano had other creatures coming by too. 

Never underestimate a creature's curiosity!

As everyone was partying and laughing away, though, one of the Treehugger Norns came running. He looked upset - had something happened? After all, it's not every day you see the docile Treehugger Norns running like that...

"Come look, come look! Back in the kitchen..."


While we'd all been out having fun, those tadpoles from before that the Treehugger Norns had made with that machine had turned into frogs. Not only that, but they'd escaped! All of a sudden, there were frogs hopping all over the place, the Treehugger Norns frantically chasing after them in an attempt to catch them. One of the Dragonfly Demon Ettins was chasing them around, too - but to play, not to catch, making things all the more difficult. 

"We need some help here-!!" Richie called over to me, so quickly, I tried to get some of the other creatures together. It looked like we were in for a surprise bonus festival game called "catch all the frogs"...


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