Sunday, December 12, 2021

Another Time || Day 8: All Around Albia?


This is something I'd never really given much thought to until now, but isn't the background music/ambience in this area really spooky? It feels tense, like maybe something bad might happen. I don't think that Grendel is feeling particularly good about being stuck here, that's for sure.

There were two things that I discovered pretty quickly upon trying to get Benji to ride in the cart. The first was that the cart here is much slower than it is in C12DS, which made me wonder why the one in C12DS was so fast. The second was that the creature riding the cart can apparently change its direction, which explains why the one in C12DS was so fast.

It was kind of a struggle - albeit a very funny one - watching Benji wobble back and forth on the cart because he couldn't quite figure out where he wanted to go. I think we ended up arguing over who gets to decide which direction he's going.

At long last, though, Benji finally reached the other side. What awaited him at the end was a rare reward: one of the most beautiful sights a Norn can see. Not just the gorgeous, baby-blue Albian sky and what seems to be a moon very close by... but cheese! Real, actual, genuine Albian cheese.

The lack of abundance of cheese was something I didn't understand so well at first, until I had read into Creatures 1's manual a little more. As it turns out, cheese is something of a rare delicacy. There are only so many pieces of cheese on Albia, and there's no such thing as a "cheese dispenser" here. Now this is what we can call Another Time... a time in which Norns did not, in fact, have easy access to delicious, creamy Albian cheese.

This little water pond is a little bit scary, but Benji was able to cross it without any issue. I think that there's something particularly pretty about the pond, but I can't quite put my finger on why. It's just a very nice, cute little area. Maybe it's the tiny waterfall that adds so much charm?

It was at this point that I proceeded to make a mistake I'm sure all of us have made at some point - I went away from my computer for a bit and accidentally left Creatures running! My partner was home at the time and I ended up getting distracted with helping with some housework, thinking my game was paused... alas, it was not, and I returned to a very interesting scene!

Not only had Benji somehow ended up all the way back at the island again, but Darla had come with him! 

How dramatic, for the original couple to meet up once again... but will Benji be able to travel all around Albia now? Or will bringing Darla in the mix cause him to have some... other plans?

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