Friday, December 10, 2021

Another Time || Day 6: CHAOS.


Hands down, this has to be one of the funniest pictures I've ever taken in Creatures.

It looks almost as if the newly-born baby - a healthy male, thank goodness! - has sent his mother, sister, and sister's best friend to their DOOM in the Pit That Contains a Deathcap Mushroom. Thankfully, as I brought them all back up to the main level, it appeared that none of them had eaten it (assuming the plant doesn't quickly grow back, at least).

Since Benji was unlikely to starve for the moment, I set about the task of guiding all of these Norns back to the safety of the garden. While trying to figure out a name for the new baby, "Potroast" sprung to mind, and I couldn't get it out of my head, so... Potroast it is, haha.

So far, the single most frustrating task has been getting my Norns to eat. After much frustration, I ended up having to take a break for the night as it was proving too difficult to get Cornstarch to eat... and the next morning he remained just as stubborn. Indeed, Cornstarch's distractibility seemed to be getting the best of him now. Try as I might to separate him from other Norns and force him to eat, nothing seemed to be working.

Noticing that he was also exhausted, I ended up giving him one dose of the "sleeping pill" to force him into resting. While that certainly helped - it even increased his life force again, just by a little - trying to convince him to eat afterwards proved to still be unsuccessful.

Deciding that I could spend no longer trying to force Cornstarch into anything, I decided to go back to Benji and see how he was doing.

I brought him food, since there seems to be none on the island, and that worked out pretty well (thankfully someone still listens to me around here).

Immediately after typing the above sentence, it occurred to me that there was indeed food present on the island in C12DS. After a little searching in the Injector Kit, I did indeed find a "Coconuts" COB that brought some coconuts to the island. Yay, food! It seems that there aren't necessarily different types of food in Creatures 1 - just food that does a better or worse job at decreasing hunger and providing nutrients - so that makes things a bit easier to manage.

Back home in the garden, things were still not going particularly well, though. As anticipated, it seems that now none of my Norns are doing particularly good at eating. On top of that, Darla and Rice are both pregnant, and I've started to wonder if I'm in waaaaay over my head here!

While everyone seems to be safe and healthy "enough" for now... for the most part... I'm starting to wonder if it may be best to give up the attempt at a pure vanilla experience and start looking into some COBs that can help me out. After all, a lot of the heart of a Creatures game comes not just from the game itself, but also from the community's additions, improvements and updates - so there might be something that can make this experience a little less frustrating!

Maybe. I hope so, at least... if things end up going real south, I'll have to look into what kinds of solutions are out there and maybe do a "take two"!

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  1. Due to a bug the coconuts are inedible (and cause pain despite being classed as toys)
    If you're going to restart, please use Jessica and Verm's updated foods bc they help A LOT. idk much of any other brainfriendly foods though. Round Table Norns has a cheese dispenser but you need to edit it tk get it to work with the modified cheese

    1. Oh wow, that explains a LOT about how my Norns have been handling the coconuts, haha. Yikes! Thanks for the heads-up. I'll definitely look into the updated foods on the next time around.
