Monday, November 20, 2017

Into the Café

A field of flowers at sunset, the great unknown lying ahead...

On a cold winter evening, you wander through the fields, the grass and flowers rustling softly in the wind. Every once in a while, one of the flowers bursts in a loud "POP!", a cloud of spores flying out and floating away in the breeze. The sun is just setting over the horizon, painting the sky a brilliant deep orange as the moon and stars are just beginning to peek out overhead.

You've been traveling for hours in this direction along this worn path. You're not entirely sure where you're going, or what you'll do when you get there; the only thing you're certain of is where you've been.

As you trek on and on, you eventually come upon some kind of structure on the horizon. What is that? Approaching closer, you can see it's a cozy-looking cabin. It has a porch, with a small couch and stained glass table. Though the shades are drawn, a faint light flickers through the windows on the front. Someone must be home!

You climb the steps up to the porch, feeling the wood creak under your boots, and approach the door. After glancing at the wooden plaque mounted on the wall, you knock on the... wait, is the door crooked? Now that's a little odd...

Shaking your head, you raise your hand and give the door a solid knock. At that moment, a gust of wind rushes by, causing a set of wooden wind chimes hanging on the porch to clunk and clonk against each other. A warm, cheerful voice resonates from within: "Oh! Come in~!"

You hesitate, and then turn the knob, opening the door to a rush of warm air and the sound of a crackling fire...

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