Sunday, October 20, 2019

Crestfall || Broader Beginnings

Back at home, the first event to happen is that Mighty Kumquat, the male Kunterbunt Norn, decided he would skip all rites of passage in growing up and go straight from being a child to the Warp, a Norn's final frontier.

Almost immediately after, however, he returns... with a friend! He brings with him a female Norn named Joruri, a Norn in her youth with a much higher generation number than seen before, born today! It seems like things must be quite eventful where she's from.

As time marches on, Bingo, one of the Norns from Xerus, falls ill with a bacterial disease. It doesn't take long before he's passed away, though efforts were made to eliminate the bacteria that infected him - and, hopefully, keep it away from the rest of the population.

At this point, several more Norns began to warp in! At least five or more, all of them looking very similar to Joruri - siblings, cousins, grandparents, children? In any case, it seems these clear relatives of hers have decided to make Crestfall their home - though a few came with colds.

Not long after, the Norn terrarium sees its first pregnancy in a very long time! The parents are located... somewhere in this group, as it seems they've all decided to share the drums for a passionate musical session.

But what's this?

It seems the new generation, which grew rapidly with visitors from another world, has also found their first love triangle... at the very least, these Norns have a lot of love to give! Perhaps this is why the world they came from seems to have been much more prosperous, and they may have just brought that prosperity to Crestfall.

Since the Norn Terrarium has been making a lot of progress, it may be time for another try at The Burrows, this time with some more new friends - Quona and Janetto, from Dragoler, along with many more! These Norns came to Crestfall through the warp, and Crestfall's portal is now open in the Burrows instead of the Norn Terrarium. Hopefully, these Norns will fare a bit better than their Aardvark predecessors...

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