Thursday, September 5, 2019

Crestfall || Plague and Plenty

In an effort to spice things up a bit, I made the decision to inject cave flies into C12DS. After all, the majority of the population was centered in that one specific corner of the map, I suppose because the sunflower is there?

It seems all I succeeded in doing was making them extra miserable. But at least it's gotten them moving, in one direction or the other... so hopefully given a bit of time, they'll start to spread out.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Hello Again, or things finally coming into place

Good evening, everyone! I hope you're all well. I have some real-life updates for you guys as I work on the next posts for the Café! Feel free to pass this by if you're not terribly interested in my goings-on outside of Creatures, but do know I plan on having some fun things come this way soon!

I will be working on the next Crestfall post this week, as well as getting things underway for a story series I've had in mind for some time now that I think would be just perfect to release when October rolls around. <3

OK, life updates below the cut!