Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Crestfall || A Day Away

The first creature from Crestfall to move on to more places is Slimy Continent, the male generation 1 Alien Norn in the Norn Terrarium! Here's to hoping he has good adventures wherever he goes, and maybe one day we'll see him return.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Crestfall || Birth and Death

Things in the Norn Meso seem to quickly beginning to wind down. As more of the first-generation Norns that started this world begin to die of old age, it seems the population of the Norn Meso itself is struggling; unlike other parts of the world where there are many eggs waiting to hatch, the Norn Meso has no eggs waiting and most of the Norns living here are already elderly. What was once a booming part of the world has turned into a retirement home...